Sunday, October 5, 2014

One worthy man

His hands lay gently on her head
His heart is turned to God.
His words speak comfort to her soul
I watch in reverence, awed.

The power that is giv'n to man
and used with worthy care.
Can heal a troubled heart with ease
a gift that is so rare.

Conference Time

Lazy days in the fall sunshine are so peaceful.
Like the sway of tall prairie grass or the click of a grandfather clock.
Life seems less burdened and full of purpose as I listen to a prophet's voice.

There was a time when minutes dragged on into hours and days into weekends.
A stream of monotone talks and brightly colored ties.
But time moves forward and what used to be monotonous becomes precious.
And hours and days fly by like a bird ahead of winter storms.

I cherish these days of pure inspiration
and children gathered round their parents for hours on end.
I long for the talks to last longer and the music to sooth my troubled heart.
It's conference time and all is well in zion.